Friday, July 6, 2012


"Life is like a box of Chocolates, You never know what you're gonna get"-Forrest Gump 

As a child, I remember the adults in my life always telling me that I will understand when I get older. This was usually said when I did not understand why I could not get the latest fashion trends or video games like the people in my class. This was said to me as a teenager when I wanted to do everything and go everywhere. So at the ripe old age of thirty two, I now know that life tends to get complicated, so much so that one is not able to find the words to describe it; Hence "You'll understand when you older".   

Well although I am not finished growing through life, I understand how one person's decisions can affect many, I understand that bills keep coming, I understand the Politics of Politics, I understand that people are not always reliable, I understand that my fairytale life is just that…… a fairytale, and most of all I understand that Life is much harder without Strength and a blessed assurance from God.  

Forest’s momma was right; you never know what you are going to get with life. There are the candies in the box of life that no one ever wants and then there are the ones we savor.  Romans 8:28 tells us that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. EVERYTHING is the key; it is inclusive of the good and the bad. Life is indeed interesting, but when you begin to view this life and its variety of difficulties and triumphs, as a blessing to grow from and not just as a burden only then will you truly live.